We offer two types of subscriptions:
Pay by the size of your clinic, with no limit on forms.
Pay for a monthly form allowance, regardless of the size of your clinic.
By clinic size
At this time, we don't check the number of practitioners you have in Cliniko and compare it with the plan that you're on. We will introduce this in future but, for now, it's on an honesty system. So β we'd appreciate if you could let us know when you do expand, so that we may adjust your plan accordingly.
Once you let us know, we can adjust your plan accordingly in our billing system.
If one or more practitioners have left your clinic, and you've dropped down to a lower tier in Cliniko, you have two options:
You could get in touch with us to let us know, and we'll adjust your subscription accordingly, or..
You could switch to the "Pay for a monthly form allowance" plan, and control your plan yourself.
Changing to paying by monthly form allowance
Visit the Manage page in the web portal.
Scroll down to the Subscription Plan box and click the button titled Change to Monthly form allowance plan.
Choose the form allowance you'd like using the drop-down.
Confirm by clicking the Yes, change plan to Monthly form allowance button.
Monthly form allowance
When you're paying for a monthly form allowance, you can change your monthly form allowance yourself, or switch to paying by clinic size.
Changing your monthly form allowance
Visit the Manage page in the web portal.
Scroll down to the Subscription Plan box and click the button titled Change monthly filled form allowance.
Choose the form allowance you'd like using the drop-down.
Confirm by clicking the Confirm new form allowance button.