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Testing a Form on the iPad

Test how patients will experience your Forms in the Finger-Ink iPad app.

Brendan Kilfoil avatar
Written by Brendan Kilfoil
Updated over 4 months ago

If you're running the Finger-Ink iPad app in your clinic then it's a good idea to try it out before your patients do. Follow along here to see what this is like before you add your own Forms to Finger-Ink.

πŸŽ‰ All accounts come pre-loaded with an "Example Intake" Form. Use this form to see what your patients will see before you go through the trouble of creating your Forms.

Start with an appointment

The iPad app synchronises the day's appointments from Cliniko. Any change you make in Cliniko will come through to the app in a matter of seconds.

As such, you need to create a test appointment in Cliniko before you can try out the iPad app. Please do that now. I'd suggest creating yourself as a patient in Cliniko β€” if you aren't already β€” then booking yourself in for an appointment today.

Once you've booked an appointment for yourself in Cliniko, launch the iPad app and start a form:

You'll notice that patient information is pre-populated in the Form to speed things up.

It's in Cliniko already

If you already followed along with the article on testing a Form in a browser, then you'll know that sometimes Responses via a browser don't go through to Cliniko automatically. This is not the case with the iPad app:

Forms filled out via the iPad app always go through to Cliniko automatically.

This is because we already know the appointment that the patient was there for (you selected it)! As such, we know who the patient was there to see, and can thus create the treatment note as the appropriate practitioner.

Now go check Cliniko. Your test patient will have been updated in all the usual ways.

If you visit the Processed Responses page, there's even a handy link that will get you there quickly:

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