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Configuring the kiosk & check-in flow

Learn about the different ways to setup check-in for the iPad kiosk.

Brendan Kilfoil avatar
Written by Brendan Kilfoil
Updated over 5 months ago

Hopefully you've already had a look at our iPad Kiosk Overview article and are aware of what the Kiosk is. You should also now know how to get your iPad ready for Kiosk — and hopefully already ordered a stand!

Now let's assume you're going to be using the kiosk for patient check-in — and show you how to configure your check-in flow.

But first, a quick note about the settings...

The iPad kiosk settings can be configured at an account level — we call these the default. If an iPad hasn't had any custom settings configured, then it will use the default. To configure iPad-specific settings, just go to the kiosk setup page and click on the name of an iPad:

Now that we have that out of the way, on we go!

Check-in Flow

By this point, you will have considered whether or not you'll be requesting any missed Forms to be filled our during Check-in, you might have ordered a stand, and you've got a good understanding of Guided Access.

So it's time to configure Check-in in the Finger-Ink app. To do this, navigate to the Kiosk mode setup screen — the third icon from the top on the left-hand menu. Here's a quick scroll through the configuration:

That video shows you everything that can be configured:

  1. The initial kiosk screen that greets patients

  2. The other action(s) button

  3. Primary & fallback check-in methods

  4. Whether staff intervention is required (i.e. the safety net)

  5. Patient initials requirement

  6. Not found & thank you screens

  7. (Cliniko-only) Form requirements

This article only covers 1, 3, 5 & 6. The others are covered in separate articles. Let's dive deeper into each.

The initial kiosk screen

The initial kiosk screen is the first screen your patients will see when they look at the iPad. It's got a couple of defining features to catch their attention:

  • The gradient background changes slowly over time

  • The heading text changes every few seconds

You can tweak this to send the right instructions to those entering your clinic. The heading and message fields can be configured as you see fit. You can use commas in between bits of text in the heading field to dictate how these bits are cycled through. In the image below, the word "Hello" was displayed first, then it changed to "Hi there":

Changing the logo

The logo can also be configured in this block. Just drag a new logo over the top of the old one, then click save when the button is available:

Don't forget to save after adding the new logo!

Primary and Fallback Check-in methods

The check-in process involves a patient volunteering some information which is then used to match an appointment that same day.

You get to choose which information you request from the patient in order to match against an appointment. Your options are:

  • Their date of birth (default)

  • Their mobile number

Our date of birth check-in method uses a scroll wheel on the iPad to specify the date. If you selected that as your primary check-in method, here's what you'd see:

Underneath that you're offered you the option to specify a fallback method if no appointment was found using the primary method.

If you don't opt for a fallback, it shows the "No appointment found" screen.

Finally, you're asked whether or not you want to require patient initials during check-in. This is a feature for safety and further privacy, but isn't required.

Not found & thank you screens

You may like to customise the language used on the "No appointment found" and "You're checked in" screens — perhaps you're operating in a multilingual environment, or perhaps you'd prefer a different tone on these screens.

Well, you can customise them both here:

Leaving the configuration empty will use the default — which is shown as placeholders in each of the fields.

Next Steps

If you're using Cliniko, you might want to also configure some form requirements during check-in — to ensure certain forms are filled for specific appointment types.

Otherwise, you can go right on ahead to learn about offering actions other than check-in.

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